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Showing posts from February, 2009

(2) New Product Idea for... Perfume

We all know that the best places to spray your fragrance is behind the ears, at the wrist area, some say at the neck.. and so on. And we all know that it is strongly discouraged to spray fragrance on your clothes. Because as time goes by, it may result in staining of the clothes. Thus people spray them on their skin so that it will last longer and react with the individual's skin to have a unique smell. But seriously, have we all thought about whether the fragrance is good for the skin? I mean, we spray them on our skin almost everyday, but who knows what ingredients are within that bottle of liquid. Alcohol, fragrance and what else? What chemicals are there that we do not know of that could probably be harmful to our skin after prolonged use? When they sell fragrance, do they tell you that it's ok to spray on the skin? So here comes my new product idea. Or if this already exists, then it could be a new platform or positioning for fragrances. We could create a whole new perfume...

Pepsi Mania

Pepsi seems to be getting quite a lot of attention lately. First, it was the link of Pepsi's new logo to Obama's campaign logo. Some have said that Pepsi got it's inspiration from Obama, but it seems that Pepsi's management have tried to imply that it was the reverse. Watch it here (video from Adage) . Whatever the case... I see no cause for any commotion. Because I don't think really catch the similarity. Well... apart from the colours (red and blue?)... and that they're both round?.... For the uninformed, feast your eyes on Pepsi's new smiling logo, which could easily cost the company hundreds of millions to have them switch from old to new. Imagine changing all their cans, delivery trucks, merchandising displays all to the new logo.... $$$ Out with the old.... In with the new... And now, compare this with Obama's logo... ?????? The things people can think of to come up with a good story... And them even more recently, there's buzz about a 27 page ...

Snuggie wuggie...

The Snuggie blanket, launched in October is amazingly selling fast in this recession. What's a Snuggie? It's a blanket with sleeves! Sounds kooky? Well, not to the 4 million plus peeps who are snuggled up in their Snuggie. 4 million have already been sold and more are on the waiting list. Aimed at families who want to keep warm but not increase their electric bill when the days get colder. Snuggie blanket: Oh! Saving money! No wonder it's selling fast. *The recession probably helps* Practical and all, but the design is really weird I must say. Totally looks like Harry Potter's or Obi Wan's robe. As quoted from someone in a forum, at least you can double it up for cosplay. Haha. I for one, wouldn't wanna look like a monk. *remember Silas from Da Vinci Code?* shudder. Thank goodness I'm in sunny sg. No need for Snuggie. Actually, the Snuggie is not something new. In fact, the first blanket with sleeves is called the Slanket. But it...